Ordering Information
Walk! Devotional Commentaries
Walk Genesis!, Walk Exodus!, Walk Leviticus!, Walk Numbers!, and Walk Deuteronomy! by Jeffrey Enoch Feinberg
- Readable devotional commentaries with an authentic Messianic Jewish world view
- Cover Torah, Haftarah, and New Covenant readings for each parsha (200 pages per book)
- For Adult Bible Study, House Groups, and High School Groups
- Click on the above links to order on-line at Amazon.com
$12.99+$3.95 shipping and handling each
$54+$5.95 shipping and handling for set of all five
Hebrew Education Workbooks
Jot & Tittle by Pat Feinberg
$18+$3.95 Shipping and Handling
- An introduction to Hebrew letters and words related to each of the 54 weekly Torah portions
- Workbook format with writing practice, word puzzles, and answer key (169 pages)
- Bulk orders: 40% off for 10 or more copies. Call for more info.
Search the Sidra by Pat Feinberg
$18+$3.95 Shipping and Handling
- Level 2, a puzzle book for beginning Torah at any age, 293 pages
- Workbook format with scrolls to search, lots of word puzzles, and answer key (about 300 pages)
- Ask about special bulk discounts for your Hebrew classes!
Sing the Sidra by Pat Feinberg
$36+$3.95 Shipping and Handling
10 copies: $250, shipping and handling free
20 copies: $450, shipping and handling free
Level 3, a Torah chanting workbook for Hebrew readers, 270 pages with audio CD
Set of all three workbooks: Jot and Tittle, Search the Sidra, and Sing the Sidra:
$54+$5.95 Shipping and Handling
Shabbat School Curriculum
Holiday-Centered Shabbat School Materials
Jewish holidays and fulfillments, balanced treatment of Tenach and New Covenant Parallel lessons for three age levels
for ages 1— 3
Enjoy! by Pat Feinberg, $150
- 64 ten-minute lessons for a drop-in story person, with extra follow-up suggestions for sitters
- Teacher’s Manual with reproducible coloring sheets for each week (about 100 pages)
- Shofar the Ram puppet
- 12 picture books and bookmarks (about 60 pages)
- The Toddlers Bible by V. Gilbert Beers, Victor Books (415 pages)
- Order using Shabbat School Curriculum Order Form
for ages 3 — 5
Celebrate! by Jeff and Pat Feinberg, $600
- 64 eighty-minute lessons with Activity Time, Story Time, Snack Time, and Family Time
- 12 separate monthly Teacher’s Manuals with stories, craft, and activity ideas (about 600 pages)
- 600 piece Betty Lukens flannel graph set, backgrounds, storage system, and puppet family
- Order using Shabbat School Curriculum Order Form
for grades 1 — 2
Discover! by Nancy Lyons with Jeff and Pat Feinberg, $450
- 64 one-hour lessons with Hebrew, Prayer, Bible, Story, Craft, and Games
- 12 separate monthly Teacher’s Manuals (about 1000 pages total with reproducible student sheets)
- Hebrew worksheets also bound in separate volume for easy review all year
- Order using Shabbat School Curriculum Order Form
Special Discount -- Get All Three!
Enjoy!, Celebrate!, and Discover!, $1000
- Complete sets of all three series package discount
- Order using Shabbat School Curriculum Order Form
Torah-Centered Shabbat School Materials
Follow the annual cycle of Torah and Haftarah portions with related New Covenant readings
for grades 3 — 5
Explore! by Jeff and Pat Feinberg with Laurie Heyl and Nancy Lyons; complete set:
Explore Genesis!, Explore Exodus!, Explore Leviticus!, Explore Numbers!, and Explore Deuteronomy!, $300*
- A separate lesson for each parsha with archaeology dig and story, Hebrew code deciphering, Torah exploration, related Old and New Covenant passages, discussion questions and application, prayer, and doodling page with cursive Hebrew letters
- Teacher’s manual with reproducible student sheets (134 pages)
- Includes supplementary teacher resource, The Ancient Dictionary (60 pages)
- Includes parsha overview supplement
- Order using Shabbat School Curriculum Order Form
*Individual copies available for those who already own a partial set, $60.
Shabbat School Curriculum Order Form Instructions:
Use the interactive form below. Fill in the appropriate information, and click the 'Create Invoice For Printing' button. Verify all information is correct, print out the invoice, and send it in along with your payment.
Please make checks payable to:
FLAME Foundation (Sorry, we are unable to accept credit cards at this time.)
For orders and information, please e-mail patfeinberg@gmail.com.
Thank You! Enjoy!
Jeffrey Enoch Feinberg, Ph.D.
Director, FLAME Foundation