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Hebrew Workbooks

Shabbat School

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Messianic Kids Ages 1-3

Enjoy! equips teachers to shepherd young children via fun, constructive activities centered around the Jewish holidays. The lesson book comes with a Toddler's Bible to guide youngsters through a brief scripture lesson and a cute puppet for use during singing time. The structured format keeps the lesson focused so that the time for the week is well spent learning about God, with suggestions for prayer as well. Each week's lesson includes multiple suggestions for activities, allowing teachers to choose whatever works best for them.

Examine and print out an Enjoy! sample. See for yourself the quality of this material that is sure to make learning and teaching a joy. Enjoy!

100 pages.


Messianic Kids Ages 3-5

Celebrate! offers 64 eighty-minute lessons with Activity Time, Story Time, Snack Time, and Family Time. Step-by-step instructions help the teacher create a classroom setting full of fun and learning about the Bible and Jewish holidays.

Check out this Celebrate! sample, and see for yourself what fun awaits your classroom.

12 separate monthly Teacher's Manuals (about 600 pages), 600-piece Betty Lukens flannelgraph, and puppet family.


Messianic Kids, Grades 1 - 2

Discover! guides your youngsters through the scripture via a mystery theme. Each week your class joins Detective Tevet as he puts together clues to guide them through the Jewish calendar, learning scripture and Hebrew along the way.

12 separate monthly Teacher's Manuals (about 1000 pages total with reproducible teacher aids), plus a year's worth of Hebrew worksheets.

Take a look at this Discover! sample, and see for yourself the quality of this material that is sure to make your teaching experience rewarding.


Messianic Kids, Grades 3 - 5

Explore! takes your class through the entire Torah via the weekly portions. Each week your young people join Jericho Jones on a fun and exciting adventure as he digs up information which they put together to discover the truth in Torah and learn about Hebrew.

Each one-hour lesson includes an archaeology dig and story, Hebrew code deciphering, Torah exploration, related Old and New Testament passages, discussion questions and application, prayer, and a doodling page.


5 separate Teacher's Manuals, Genesis - Deuteronomy (about 125 pages per book) with reproducible student sheets. Includes Ancient Dictionary (60 pages), alefbet decoder, and story scroll supplements.

Start the adventure for your class yourself by checking out this Explore! sample.


Shabbat School Curriculum

Enjoy cover Discover cover

Each series of curriculum :

Level: Enjoy! series, toddlers; Celebrate series, pre-schoolers; Discover series, grades 1-2; Explore series, grades 3-5.

Order directly from FLAME Foundation. NOTE: No orders taken during sabbatical. Check back in 2014.